Arthro Latarjet Training

2019 Arthro Latarjet Training 1
4 surgery videos

April 2-3, 2019

Shoulder Instability has been treated differently with time evolution. We know that soft tissue repair is not always effective for shoulder stabilization. A new arthroscopic concept of shoulder bone block stabilization hab been developed on the base of the Latarjet procedure to hit the advantages of both techniques. Dr Laurent LAFOSSE

SCHEDULE 2019: – ALT 1: April 2-3, 2019 – ENGLISH SPEAKING – ALT 2: November 19-20, 2019 – ENGLISH SPEAKING

General Info: Arthro Latarjet Training (ALT) courses are co-organized by ASI and DePuy Institute in Annecy France to ensure teaching of the Shoulder Arthroscopic Bristow Latarjet Surgical Technique. The Course session includes: lectures, dry workshop, discussion forum and attending live surgery. The courses are CME credited.