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All content of this Internet site is owned or controlled by Alps Surgery Institute (ASI) and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. You may download content only for your personal use for non-commercial purposes but no modification or further reproduction of the content is permitted. The content may otherwise not be copied or used in any way.

The owners of this site will use reasonable efforts to include up-to-date and accurate information in this Internet site, but make no representations, warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information provided. The owners of this site shall not be liable for any damages or injury resulting from your access to, or inability to access this Internet site, or from your reliance on any information provided at this Internet site.

This Internet site may provide links or references to other sites but the owners of this site have no responsibility for the content of such other sites and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from that content. Any links to other sites are provided as merely a convenience to the users of this Internet site.

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The sender of any communications to this Internet site or otherwise to the owners of this site shall be responsible for the content and information contained therein, including its truthfulness and accuracy.


The site represents the activities of ALPS SURGERY INSTITUTE and has been registered by E. LAFOSSE.
RCS Annecy – 48073406000027


Alps Surgery Institutes (ASI)
Clinique Générale d’Annecy
4 Chemin de la Tour la Reine
74 000 Annecy – FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0) 450 33 04 69
Fax: +33 (0) 450 33 04 71

The Director of Publication for the web site is E. LAFOSSE.

The website is hosted by OVH SAS, capital 500 k€
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Privacy policy

This site is owned by Alps Surgery Institutes. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about our practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of information that you may provide via this site. Please be sure to read this entire Privacy Policy before using, or submitting information, to this site. This site is intended for use by residents of the United States.

Your Consent

By using this site, you agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Whenever you submit information via this site, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Data Protection Officer: 
E. Lafosse

About children

This site is not intended for children under the age of 13. We will not knowingly collect information from site visitors in this age group. We encourage parents to talk to their children about their use of the Internet and the information they disclose to Web sites.

Active information collection

Like many Web sites, this site actively collects information from its visitors both by asking you specific questions and by permitting you to communicate with us via e-mail, feedback forms, and/or chat rooms. Some of the information that you submit may be personally identifiable information (that is, information that can be uniquely identified with you, such as your full name, address, e-mail address, phone number and so on.

Some areas of this site may require you to submit information in order for you to benefit from the specified features (such as newsletter subscriptions, tips/pointers, order processing) or to participate in a particular activity (such as sweepstakes or other promotions). You will be informed at each information collection point what information is required and what information is optional.

Passive information collection

As you navigate through a Web site, certain information can be passively collected (that is, gathered without your actively providing the information) using various technologies and means, such as Internet Protocol addresses, cookies, Internet tags, and navigational data collection.

This site may use Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. IP Address is a number assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider so you can access the Internet and is generally considered to be non-personally identifiable information, because in most cases an IP address is dynamic (changing each time you connect to the Internet), rather than static (unique to a particular user’s computer). We use your IP address to diagnose problems with our server, report aggregate information, determine the fastest route for your computer to use in connecting to our site, and administer and improve the site.

A “cookie” is a bit of information that a Web site sends to the Web browser that helps the site remember information about you and your preferences.

“Session” cookies are temporary bits of information that are erased once you exit your Web browser window or otherwise turn your computer off. Session cookies are used to improve navigation on Web sites and to collect aggregate statistical information. This site does not use session cookies.

“Persistent” cookies are more permanent bits of information that are placed on the hard drive of your computer and stay there unless you delete the cookie. Persistent cookies store information on your computer for a number of purposes, such as retrieving certain information you have previously provided (e.g., passwords), helping to determine what areas of the Web site visitors find most valuable, and customizing the Web site based on your preferences. This site does not use persistent cookies.

“Navigational data” (“log files,” “server logs,” and “clickstream” data) are used for system management, to improve the content of the site, market research purposes, and to communicate information to visitors. This site uses navigational data.

Use and disclosure of information

Except as otherwise stated, we may use your information to improve the content of our site, to customize the site to your preferences, to communicate information to you (if you have requested it), for our marketing and research purposes, and for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

If you provide personally identifiable information to this site, we may combine such information with other actively collected information unless we specify otherwise at the point of collection. We will take reasonable measures to prevent personally identifiable information from being combined with passively collected information unless you consent otherwise.

Access and correction

To keep your personally identifiable information accurate, current, and complete, please contact us as specified below. We will take reasonable steps to update or correct personally identifiable information in our possession that you have previously submitted via this site.

If you would like to have your information deleted from the database, please send an email. We will delete your information within one week. We will retain your email address and verification of your acceptance or decline of our privacy and collection statements.


We take reasonable steps to protect your personally identifiable information as you transmit your information from your computer to our site and to protect such information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. You should keep in mind that no Internet transmission is ever 100% secure or error-free. In particular, e-mail sent to or from this site may not be secure, and you should, therefore, take special care in deciding what information you send to us via e-mail. Moreover, where you use passwords, ID numbers, or other special access features on this site, it is your responsibility to safeguard them.

Links to other websites

This site may contain links or references to other Web sites. Please be aware that we do not control other Web sites and that, in any case, this Privacy Policy does not apply to those Web sites. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of every Web site you visit.


How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the information practices of this site, please contact us as follows:

Alps Surgery Institute (ASI)
419 route d’Albertville
74 320 SEVRIER

+33 (0) 450 33 04 69
+33 (0) 450 33 04 71

> Contact-us by email

Changes to this privacy policy

If this Privacy Policy changes, the revised policy will be posted on this site. Please check back periodically, and especially before you provide any personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy was last updated on September 1st 2018.